
¡Our Tequila has been made of sunrises!

Sunrises of each and every one of the people who seek to preserve the tradition in the production of tequila, seeking to make it, as artisanal as possible.

Everything starts from the moment we plant our agaves, taking care of them until the moment when their harvest arrives, taking care of them from inclement weather and all the obstacles they may face during their growth.

When the harvest begins with the jima, our jimadores are in charge of extracting the pineapple from the planted agaves, and transporting it to our ovens.

In our ovens, the pineapple is cooked, so that it is subsequently allowed to cool and can go on to the grinding process and the formulation vat.
After fermentation, naturally.


En nuestros hornos se realiza un cocimiento de la piña, para que posteriormente se deje enfriar y pueda pasar al proceso de molienda, y a la tina de formulación y posteriormente a la fermentación, de manera natural.

Una vez terminado este proceso llega el momento de llevar nuestro tequila a las barricas, usamos barricas de la más alta calidad de roble americano, dependiendo de la variedad de tequila pasará desde unos meses hasta años dentro de ellas,


Once this process is finished, it is time to take our tequila to the barrels. We use the highest quality American oak barrels, depending on the variety of tequila it will spend from a few months to years inside them.

Finally, all this process of dedication and care is so that at last the moment to be packaged arrives and it can leave.

Every drop of history that our family has, is to be able to share it with the whole world.

Tequila Mi familia

Tequila Mi Familia ®

Evita el Exceso | Alcohol Infórmate

Teléfono de contácto

(33) 3857 0127

(33) 2727 4056

Correo de contácto

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